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Glossary Terms starting with T
Definitions of terms starting with T
- T/S
1. An acronym for transfer/separator. Usual abbreviation for the transfer/separator corona or its power supply.
TAD interface
1. Allows you to use an external telephone answering device on the same phone line if it is plugged into the EXT jack in the back of the fax machine.
take up roller
take up tire
tape cutter
1. The tape cutter blade is built-inside the electronic labeller. In manual cutter models, the tape cutter lever is exposed which needs to be pressed...
1. An acronym for transmission control protocol. TCP is one of the core protocols of the internet protocol suite.
1. Transmission control protocol/internet protocol.
1. A fluoropolymer that forms a non-stick surface.
tel index
1. An electronic alphabetical listing of stored one touch, speed dial, and group numbers.
1. A prefix meaning 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion). For example, terabit (Tb). One terabit equals 1000 gigabits.
thermal dye sublimation
1. In dye-sublimation printing, the dyes vaporize and permeate the glossy surface of the paper before they return to solid form, creating a gentle...
thermal fuse
1. Device that protects against overheating by opening (failing) if the device it is protecting gets too hot, or
draws too much current.
thermal head
1. In a thermal fax machine, the device which applies heat to the recording paper or ribbon, causing an image
to appear. In most cases, this is a...
thermal inkjets
1. Most consumer inkjet printers use print cartridges with a series of tiny electrically heated chambers constructed by photolithography. To produce...
thermal paper
1. The paper which a thermal fax machine prints on. It is coated on one side. Heat striking it causes a chemical
reaction, which dyes the paper.
thermal switch
1. Device that protects against overheating by opening (failing) if the device it is protecting gets too hot, or
draws too much current.
thermal transfer
1. A system of printing faxes that uses plain paper and a thermal transfer ribbon. It uses thermal technology
with the output on plain paper.
1. Device that protects against overheating by opening (failing) if the device it is protecting gets too hot, or
draws too much current.
1. Device that protects against overheating by opening (failing) if the device it is protecting gets too hot, or
draws too much current.
thicknet connector
1. attachment unit interface
1. An acronym for transfer high voltage unit. Power supply for transfer corona or transfer roller.
1. Tagged image file format. (For graphics files.)
1. Generally refers to paper pickup rollers.
token bus
1. LAN using token passing access controlled by its software.
token ring
1. 4/16Mbits LAN architecture. Uses IEEE802.5.
1. Resin particles which produce image on paper.
toner cartridge
1. This consumer-replaceable supply item contains the toner powder used by the printer or device. Some manufacturers also include other components in...
toner save
1. A process that causes less toner to be affixed to the page, to extend the life of the toner cartridge. This will make the printed document...
1. Arrangement of a network.
touch tone
1. The method of dialing a phone (or fax) that involves push buttons. More importantly; the signals are sent by
the audible difference in tone from...
1. Thermoplastic elastometer. A polyurethane-based filament material used in 3D printing.
1. An acronym for thermal print head or thermal head.
trail edge
1. The last edge of the original document, copy, fax, or print to pass through the machine.
1. Signal sent before transmission which allows testing of the line to assure that transmission can take place.
1. A fax machine which transmits and receives.
1. The step in the xerographic process where the toned image on the drum is transferred to the paper by an
electrostatic "transfer" charge.
transfer corona
1. The device that applies an electrostatic field to the copying/printing/recording paper.
transfer roller
1. The device that applies an electrostatic field to the copying/printing/recording paper.
1. The process of sending documents over the telephone line from your fax machine to another fax machine.
transmission control protocol
1. An acronym for transmission control protocol. TCP is one of the core protocols of the internet protocol suite.
transmission verification report
1. A report that prints showing the date, time, fax number, name, duration, pages, result and mode after the transmission.
transmit subscriber identification
1. An acronym for transmit subscriber identification. (Sender's phone number).
transmit terminal identifier
1. An acronym for transmit terminal identifier. The owner of the fax's name that is printed out at the top of each page that is sent by that machine....
1. The fax machine which is sending information. Also known as the sender.
1. Paper carrying unit, usually between transfer and fusing. Often this is a set of belts and vacuum fan.
transport belts
1. Rubber belt or belts that carries paper from the drum to the fuser unit.
1. Assembly that holds copy paper for pickup tires to feed it from. Also known as cassette or drawer. The
word "tray" is also used for devices that...
tri-chamber cartridges
1. A descriptive term for tri-color inkjet cartridges.
tri-color cartridges
1. HP's descriptive name for tri-chamber ink cartridges.
1. A solid-state switching device, capable of handling large electrical loads. Usually used to operate (turn on &
off) heat lamps. Consists of three...
1. A base capable of combining with three molecules of a monobasic acid, or describing acid salts that contain three replaceable hydrogen atoms.
1. Editing mode that deletes all text outside of a defined area.
1. Machine equipped with a long heavy removable knife for trimming paper sheets with a downward slicing action.
trouble code
1. Same as error code.
TrueType fonts
1. Scalable fonts present in some operating systems. If these types of fonts are present in a printer, print jobs will process at a faster rate.
1. An acronym for transmit subscriber identification. (Sender's phone number).
1. An acronym for transmit terminal identifier. The owner of the fax's name that is printed out at the top of each page that is sent by that machine....
1. An industry-standard method for scanners and software to get scanned images into documents. If you are using a TWAIN-compliant scanner or software...
1. Transmit, used on the journal printed from a fax machine to identify documents sent by the machine.