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Savin 4035E Compatible Black Toner Cartridge
Savin 4035E Black Toner Cartridge (Compatible) - Compatible Replacement - Estimated Yield 30,000 pages @ 6%
Out of Stock
Usually ships in: 10 business days
How soon will this item ship?
Order by 4:00 PM MST tomorrow and your product will ship on Monday, January 27th, barring procurement delays or supplier shortages.
Mfr Part #:
- Savin 9887, TYPE 3545
- Ricoh 888185, 888181, TYPE 3110D, TYPE 3210D
- Lanier 480-0157, TYPE 3110D
- Gestetner 89887, TYPE 3110D
PR Order #: V9930
Savin 4035E Black Toner Cartridge (Compatible) Specifications and Details:
Original Mfr/Compatible
Describes whether item was manufactured by the original equipment manufacturer or an aftermarket company
Page Yield
Estimated 30,000 pages@ 6%
Approximate page yield (usually based on 5% coverage)
Specific color of product
Content Weight/Volume
550 gram
Amount of product by weight in the container
Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
Shipping Weight
1 lb 7 oz
Weight of the product as it ships, including packaging.
Shipping Dimensions
3.3” x 3.3” x 13.6”
Dimensions of the product in inches, including packaging.
Country of Origin
The country in which this item was manufactured or assembled
Precision Roller’s price for this item
Mfr PN: 888185 / 888181
GTIN: 00842508113581 ( 0 08 42508 11358 1 )
Machine Section
Toner Supply
Location or section of this item in the printer or copier