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Lanier LD016F Compatible Black Toner Cartridge
Lanier LD016F Black Toner Cartridge (Compatible) - Compatible Replacement - 230 Gram Cartridge - Estimated Yield 7,000 pages @ 6% - Made in USA
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Mfr Part #:
- Lanier 480-0237, TYPE 1170D
- Ricoh 885531, 888260, TYPE 1170D
- Savin 9906, TYPE 1170D
- Gestetner 89906, TYPE 1170D
PR Order #: V9940
Lanier LD016F Black Toner Cartridge (Compatible) Specifications and Details:
Original Mfr/Compatible
Describes whether item was manufactured by the original equipment manufacturer or an aftermarket company
Page Yield
Estimated 7,000 pages @ 6%
Approximate page yield (usually based on 5% coverage)
Specific color of product
Content Weight/Volume
230 gram
Amount of product by weight in the container
Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
Shipping Weight
10 oz
Weight of the product as it ships, including packaging.
Shipping Dimensions
10.1” x 2.1” x 1.1”
Dimensions of the product in inches, including packaging.
Country of Origin
The country in which this item was manufactured or assembled
Precision Roller’s price for this item
Mfr PN: 885531 / 888260
GTIN: 00842508113390 ( 0 08 42508 11339 0 )
Machine Section
Toner Supply
Location or section of this item in the printer or copier